Get in touch with us and we’ll help you in business

From start-ups to the world’s largest companies

Millions of companies in over 120 countries use Getepay to start, run, and scale their businesses

Simplify the commerce process

A Most Trustworthy Online Platform That Thrives Your Business In Any Local Market Globaly
1 M+
Payment Links
1 +
Online Stores
2 M+
Monthly Reach
3 M+
Monthly Transactions
1 %
Client Retention

our quality working process

We provide professional advisory

"Today, BMV Money helps businesses to create great local commerce experiences anywhere. We build online business platform through its cutting-edge and award-winning technology that removes the back-end complexities of cross-border commerce while providing local payments expertise."

mv two

"BMV money serves merchants, institutes, ecommerce and other companies to collect & disburse payments with over 100+ payment methods through a fast, secured ad affordable way."

mv three

"BMV Money is the next-generation business platform that offers end-to-end 360-degree business solutions at every step of your entrepreneurial journey. Launched in 2019, BMV Money is “Fintech-as-a-service”, a way to move beyond the era of just integrating payments by providing a full stack of integrated payments, commerce, and financial services capabilities that can be embedded into any platform and into any device."

mv one


99.9% Customer Satisfaction based on 750+ reviews and 20,000 Objective Resource

Our Missions

Our mission to provide best service in the world


To create a safe, secured and most efficient ecosystem in the market with a comprehensive package of products and services that enables businesses of all sizes and shapes to scale and grow through continuous innovation leveraging technology.


To be one of the most trusted and preferred “BUSINESS” partner in the fintech industry by offering innovative and flexible solutions, coupled with excellent customer service delivered with integrity, accuracy and efficiency.



To create a safe, secured and most efficient ecosystem in the market with a comprehensive package of products and services that enables businesses of all sizes and shapes to scale and grow through continuous innovation leveraging technology.



To be one of the most trusted and preferred “BUSINESS” partner in the fintech industry by offering innovative and flexible solutions, coupled with excellent customer service delivered with integrity, accuracy and efficiency.

Our vision

Our mission to provide best service in the world

Lorem Ipsum. Progravida nibh vel velit auctor alinean sollicitudin, lorem quis bibendum auctor. It has survived not only five centuries but also.


Our Leadership

The Getepay leadership team comprises of brightest minds from the worlds of tech and finance. With decades of deep industry knowledge, expertise and diverse experience, Getepay team is driving robust culture that helps clients scale, grow and achieve business success globally.

Try Getepay

The most flexible digital commerce platform that can give your business a real boost